Hi. I'm Sarah and I am 15 years old. I have 3 brothers, 3 cats, and prolly sum fish left in the fish tank. I live with
my mom n dad. My birthday/date of birth is April 22nd, 1990.
My favorite sport is golf, and I am most interested in guys and guitars. My latest relationship with a guy would have
been maybe 3 months ago. When it comes to guys I dun seem to get very lucky. For sum reson guys try to avoid me. I like to
b a goofball but sum guys perfer the popular and preppy type. But ofcourse I'm not popular and preppy. I've tried to be a
prep but I was unsuccessful. I have Blonde long hair, blue-green eyes, and glasses. I am bout 5'5" and 115 lbs. I love shopping
for clothes and shoes. I like being stupid and funny at the same time and I like romantic, comedy, and horror movies. I like
watching wrestling, OCC (Orange County Choppers), Degrassi:The Next Generation, Family Guy, American Dad, and many more.
I am a punk (so my brothers say) and I'm in-love with the colors 'Pink and Black'. There is sooo much more I can talk bout,
but im afraid of running out of room. So I will stop here and if you want to get ahold of me feel free to e-mail me on my
"Contact Me" page.