°¤(K)..LuVabLe LuVbUg..(K)¤°
°·.♥.·°.I LoVe
¸.´*`·[BaBiE ChRoNiC]·´*`.¸
·(6)·¤(HoRnY LiL DeViL)¤·(6)·
[ D u D e . . . S w E e T ! ]
°¤°GüMMy ßeAR LøVëR°¤°
(¯`·._.·f r e a k - m e - b a b y·._.·´¯)
LiVe F®ëÊ.. DiE Þ®øûÐ.. HaVe FúÑ).. PlAy LõÚd
¸¸·´¯*It'S ELeCTriC*¯`·¸¸
nOt ShY..i JuSt DoNt LiKe YoU!(*)
(K)*crOwd pleaser-bOy teaser*(K)
(*)¦¦°º¤<«..ArE YoU TrYiN To bLiNd mE
WiT Ur bLiNg bLiNg?..»>¤º°¦¦(*)
(L) £ºV€ Hü®T§ §º ¦ W ñËvÄ fÄ££ ïÑ £ºVË ÅgÅïÑ :@
lôV [boys name] ¥Ë§ Ï Dô, Hϧ 4 mË & ÑôT 4 Ü if û tr¥ & tÅkÉ m¥ plÅcÉ, fÜk Öff l3itch il smÅsh Ür fÅÇÉ(l)»-(¯`v´¯)-»
ÉviL 4 HÉäVÉñ (f)TÖó HöL¥ 4 HÉLL~
(a)(6)Ím Å |3H & ! gÖ† ©£Ä§$
Më§$ w! Mε & ï£ kï©k µr å$§(a)(6)
(6):@ DÖÑt TÉmPt Mé :@ (6)
(k)(6):@ Ï
DôÑt Dö ÇûTë :@(6)(k)
(F) RoSeS r ReD aSh Is black gO 2 HeLl AnD nEvA come BaCk!(6):@
(K) GiRl @ pL@Y (K)
Í m WïÇkÊd_ WïZè wÊñ ï† ©Ûm§ ² Gû¥§ ¤«
.:.*The Girls Are Talkin!*.:.
When ALL Else Fails........ Look Kute :$
*If You Can't Amaze People With Your Intelligence.. Confuse them with your Bullshit
~I like this guy that likes this girl
*Let All your guyz ((or girls)) be CANADIAN... but all the kisses French ;)
~Does that noise inside my head bother you?
*It Shouldn't be "When Wild Animals Attack" It's more like.. "When Stupid People get attacked
(or bite or eaten or whatever the case is)"
~i knew something was wrong when my imaginary friends wouldn't play with mee anymore
*You laugh because I'm different.. well I laugh because you're all the same
~Don't settle for the one you can live with.. settle for the one you can't live without
*Heaven won't have me and Hells afraid I'll take over
~Whenever I see you my whole body goes weak... everything but my heart (l)
*Men are kings.. Kings are Rulers.. Rulers are 30cm.. Still think you're a man?! (that's
whut I thought)
~I gave you my heart, and you took it with care, but you played around so love me, don't
dare, don't take my hand and make me cry, because soon enough your love will die. Who will be there to hold me tight, to help
me live, live over the fright, of painful fears that I can't let go, Just give me up because I love you so
*Friends are Like Condoms.... They protect you when things get hard ;)
~You don't know me, You don't know my style, I'm nothing but an innocent girl with a bad
ass smile
*What can I say? What can I do? I'm still in love,
Why aren't you?
~No sleep last night, too busy thinking of you
I was trying to figure out how I could
fix things, but I cant
you wouldn't want me 2 anyway, so I guess I'll just have to stop loving you somehow
and only
love the memory of me actually thinking you cared
I shouldnt waste my tears, I know
Its kinda too late to say that
I've already unleashed thousands, because every thought I ever had was bout you
and every dream I ever wished came
true-when u entered my life
and now ur slowly disappearing, so I didn't sleep last night
*I ran up the door, Closed the stairs, Said my pajamas, And put on my prayers. Turned
off the bed, and hopped in the light, all because you kissed me goodnight