About Me:
Name: Frank
Location: Houston, Texas
Age: 17
Sex: Male
DOB: 1/22/88
Friends: To many to count
Family: My Mom, My Dad, My Sister Ami, My Brother Matt
Pets: My Cats Callie and Tiger
Hobbies: Ice Hockey, Games, Graphics, Paintball, Joyriding in nice Cars
Favorite Food(s): SkyLine Chili
Favorite Movie(s): Pirates of the Caribbean, 1941, Office Space
Height: 5'11"-5'12"
Weight: You will never know
Eye Color: Blue-green
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Glasses or Contacts: Contacts
Music: All modern music(Rock, Hip-Hop, etc..)and very little Country
Favorite place to get away from everyone: Livingston... Just sitting next to
the lake sipping on some Starbucks, Going Skating at 1am at my Hockey Rink
Favorite Animal: Penguins
Others: I am a very sensitive person, I can be funny at times, My favorite colors
are red, blue, and green, I love wearing hats, I can waddle like a penguin